Create HTML Signature on your Emails

Did you know how many emails are send and receives globally? The answer is more than a 10 millions per day. Basically the two types of email format are roams on the internet. One is by sending and receiving emails as pure Text format and another is email as HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). The both formats are impressed to a customers. But most of the customers are love image presentation than the Text presentation.

Writing an HTML email is very easy if you are a web designer else it will be very difficult. But if you know little about HTML mapping, with using some softwares you can develop it. In the series of softwares list to write an HTML email, A software called “WiseStamp” is better one.
WiseStamp has lot of cool features that to make best HTML format emails and can create HTML signatures in the email.
create html email signatures using WiseStamp
create html email signatures using WiseStamp
Here a quick overview of this program
  • Design your Email signature for both Personal and for Business.
  • Easy to use GUI (Graphic User Interface) for creating signatures.
  • Rich Text WYSIWYFG (What You Saw Is What You Get) editor.
  • Able to add a graphic or logo easily.
  • Supports you to do some actions with the emails such as Reply, Forward, Compose, etc.,
  • Add links to your Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, etc.,
  • Also supports Special Characters.
  • Supports LTR (Left To Right) and RTL (Right To Left) also.
The awesome feature of this WiseStamp is best and big for Email signatures. But Personally I would like you to recommend Outlook is the best tool for you Business mailing service.
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