3 Reasons Your Email Get Rejected

Email marketing is another key to success in your Business. In this e-world more than 62% of goods are sold out through by Email marketing only. The main feature of marketing your product through Email is “If you send a bulk of emails, you get respond at least 10% and you product may be sell by minimum of 2% to maximum of 4%”. Email build a long time relationship with together is marketer provider best content.

In past decade reading of Emails are rised But why you won’t get better result. Because only thing is that you does not do proper theme of your Email. What are things that your Email get rejected? Here the below notes will help you to grow up in Email marketing.
1. Your Subject line is the first impression
Your recipient’s experience with your email starts from your Subject line before reading. The best and good impressive subject line makes your clients to be read as “Read the document before Investing it”. Some newbies of Email marketing tags subject line with more than 20 words. This is he first bad impression of your Email. I would say As small is as Super. I recommend you to write a subject line maximum of 6 words and minimum of 3 words. Forgetting about the name include in the subject line. Then How to write a Subject line to impress your clients? This subject is popular in all Email marketing areas. The format as “Name – Name – Subject lineour Subject Line”. Example, “Tommy – Target Technology Users”.
2. You will make them bored
What is the meaning of that You will make them bored? As I told in previous note “As Small Is As Super”, Your body of message should be simple and attractive. No one likes to read the whole content even though that is very important, But if it is sweet as small they will do read. One who reads your email completely, then he or she will be interest in your offer. Which are the points should you use to make client to be read? To make the clients to read full story is not that much difficult if you follow the current theme. The theme I would present as “First is header with what your suppose to say whether you selling the products, or you are asking to trail your product, asking donations, etc., Then the middle of the body is what are the features you are included such as Easy to use, Decrease your Sales effort, etc., The final is Footer. In this you should add a small note about your organization (or company). Last but not Least write your position of you as Sales Coordinator, CSA, etc.,” This above format make the clients to be read whole story.
3. Design of your Email
The different designes that you can send Emails to your clients as HTML (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol), as Image as Infographic and Pure Text. I would recommend you to send Emails as Text ie., pure Text Format. The pictorial or grphical representation of your Email can be impressive but note that it is not readable. Because everyone knows that the HTML Email is from Mail machine. So that the only format I recommend you to send Emails to your clients with Text format. So before sending an Email, test your email with all compatibale devices such as desktops, iPhones and other devices.
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